Why Do People Choose Suicide?

Jan 10, 2023

When someone chooses to end their own life, especially when it is unexpected, those around that person are left with confusion and unanswered questions. While there is really no way to know exactly what might be going on inside of a person’s mind when they make a decision to end their own life, it is safe to assume that at that moment they are desperate and in either physical or emotional pain. In many instances the person genuinely feels as if the world would be better off without them, or that their existence is too tortured to continue. Logic does not always get a speaking part when depression or desperation takes over.  

It is a normal emotion to feel guilty if a loved one attempted or completed suicide, wondering if you could have stopped them or if you missed the warning signs. While some people do reach out for help or outwardly show warning signs, many times, decisions to end one’s life were not pre planned out, were made during extreme stress or while a crisis was occurring and are frequently made under the influence of substances. Except in rare circumstances, it is not anyone’s fault that another person attempts or completes suicide. It is a complex acute mental disease state causing morbid thoughts which go against the natural human programming to self preserve.

Obviously, this topic is very complex, and can be very emotional for many. 

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please call your local crisis center, or 988 for help.

Tina Norton

Tina Norton